Whereas the Confederation Park public consultation project that was budgeted at $5,000, initially consisted only in consulting with the citizens of Hawkesbury regarding their ideas and preferences regarding the vocation of the Confederation Park/Chenail Island, and;
Whereas during the research of documents, multiple studies and plans for Confederation Park/Chenail Island were discovered, and it was recommended that those plans be included in the analysis, and;
Whereas during discussions with multiple planning consultations it has been determined that it would be beneficial to also include an environmental analysis as well as a historical analysis of the island, and;
Whereas it was also determined that due to the nature and location of the park and island tourists should also be consulted, and;
Whereas the three quotations received ranged from $17,850 to $19,000, and;
Whereas the quotation from Lalonde & Gougeon demonstrates the most comprehensive methodology and work plan.
Be it resolved to award the contract to for the public consultation in the amount of $18,180 to Lalande & Gougeon, as recommended in document 2019_REC_37.