Regular Meeting of CouncilAgendaMonday, December 09, 2024 6:30 P.m. - 9:30 P.m.1.Opening of the meeting 1.1Roll Call 1.2Land Acknowledgment Statement The Town of Hawkesbury acknowledges that the land on which we walk, gather, and work is on the unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin people. The Town of Hawkesbury gratefully acknowledges these Indigenous nations for their guardianship of this land, and we honor them. 1.3Vision Given its strategic location and bilingual status, Hawkesbury will be known as the core area for industrial, commercial, cultural, tourism and recreation activities, whose emerging synergy will characterize Hawkesbury as a place to discover in Eastern Ontario.2.Adoption of the agenda 3.Disclosures of pecuniary interest 4.Consent Items Note: All items listed under the Consent Items will be enacted by one motion. A unanimous vote is required for consent items. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time Council votes on the motion that a consent item be separated from the motion. The separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.4.1Adoption of the minutes of the following meetings: 1.Procès-verbal - réunion extraordinaire du 7 novembre 2024.pdf2.Minutes - Special meeting of November 7, 2024.pdf3.Procès-verbal - réunion publique statutaire du 12 novembre 2024.pdf4.Minutes - Statutory Public Meeting of November 12, 2024.pdf5.Procès-verbal - réunion ordinaire du 12 novembre 2024.pdf6.Minutes - Regular meeting of November 12, 2024.pdf7.Procès-verbal - réunion extraordinaire du 3 décembre 2024.pdf8.Minutes - Special meeting - December 3, 2024.pdf9.Procès-verbal- Bibliothèque publique de Hawkesbury - 9 octobre 2024 (en français seulement).pdfa. Minutes - Special meeting - November 7, 2024b. Minutes - Statutory Public meeting - November 12, 2024c. Minutes - Regular meeting - November 12, 2024d. Minutes - Special meeting - December 3, 2024e. Minutes - Public Library - October 9, 20244.2Administrative reports 1.Rapports mensuels - décembre.pdf2.Monthly Report - December.pdf4.3Accounts payable 1.Liste des chèques-SUMMARY-NOVEMBRE 2024.pdf2.Liste des chèques-DETAIL-NOVEMBRE 2024.pdf5.Items withdrawn from Section 4. Consent Items 6.Motion to adjourn Regular meeting and go in Committee of the Whole 6.1Presentations and Delegations 6.1.1Mr. Gérald Gauthier from MNP, ref.: Audit plan 1.Corporation de la ville de Hawkesbury - 12312024 - Plan des services d'audit.pdf2.Corporation de la ville de Hawkesbury - 12312024 - Lettre de mission.pdfMr. Gérald Gauthier will present the audit plan to Council.6.1.2Mrs. Lynda Clouette-Mackay, ref.: Lease with the Centre culturel Le Chenail 1.Demande de délégation - 9 décembre 2024.pdf2.Caroline Arcand LETTRE D'APPUI.pdf3.Lettre d'appui HIIA.pdf4.LETTRE SYLVIE-THIERRY.pdf5.Sol-air LETTRE D'APPUI SOL-AIR Consultants.pdf6.2Council members' items 6.2.1Letter from Mr. Graham McGregor from the Ministry of the Solicitor General, ref.: Office of the Associate Minister of Auto Theft and Bail Reform 1.Letter from Mr. Graham McGregor (en anglais seulement).pdf6.2.2Eastern Ontario Warden Caucus (EOWC), ref.: Addressing the impact of rising OPP cost to municipalities and the need for transparency 1.EOWC Letter - Addressing the Impact of Rising OPP Costs (en anglais seulement).pdf6.2.3Letter from the Ontario Solicitor General, ref.: Collective agreement with Ontario Provincial Police Association (OPPA) 1.Letter from the Solicitor General (en anglais seulement).pdf6.2.4Correspondence from MTO, ref.: Request for traffic control signals advanced left-turn phase - Highway 34 and County Road 17 from MTO - Response (en anglais seulement).pdf6.2.5Letter from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, ref.: Accelerate implementation of the province's additional residential unit (ARU) 1.Letter from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Additional residential unit (ARU) .pdf6.3Department heads' items 6.3.1KSAR consulting group - Mr. Jean-François Pagé, ref.: Results of public consultations for the strategic plan 1.KSAR - ToH - Analyse de l'environnement et Diagnostic stratégique_9 déc 2024.pdf2.KSAR - ToH - Environmental Scan and Strategic Diagnosis_9 dec 2024.pdf6.3.2Committee of the Whole, ref.: Topics on the agenda 1.Rapport .pdf2.Report.pdf7.Motion to resume Regular meeting 8.Reports from Committee of the Whole 9.Reports of the Mayor and Councillors 10.Matters requiring action 10.1End of the FoodCycler pilot project 1.Recommandation - Fin du projet pilote FoodCycler.pdf2.Recommendation - End of FoodCycler pilot project.pdf3.FoodCycler Survey Results Presentation .pdf4.FoodCycler - projet pilote - Ville de Hawkesbury ON, septembre 2023.pdf10.2BIA, ref.: Benches on Main Street 1.Recommandation - COMZAC - Bancs sur la rue Main E.pdf2.Recommendaton - BIA - Main St E benches .pdf3.Cartes des bancs_Benches map - 14 options.pdf10.3Zoning By-law amendments, ref.: 157 and 189 John Street 1.Recommandation - Modification au Règlement de zonage 157 et 189, rue John.pdf2.Recommendation - ZBLA 157 and 189 John Street.pdf3.3 - Planning Report - Zander Plan (28-AUG-2024).pdf4.Draft By-law N° 72-2024_157 John Street D14-147.pdf5.Draft By-law N° 73-2024_189 John Street D14-148.pdf10.4Awarding engineering contract for the rehabilitation of Catherine Street The recommendation will be remitted on Monday.10.5Appointment of a screening officer for the Administrative Monetary Penalties System 1.Recommandation .pdf2.Recommendation.pdf11.Request for support and Proclamation 11.1Interlude House, ref.: White Ruban Campaign from November 25 to December 10, 2024 1.Lette Maison Interlude - Campagne du Ruban blanc (in French only).pdf11.2Request for support - Corporation of the Municipality of Callander, ref.: Urging the Government to Promptly Resume Assessment Cycle 1.2024.11.18 Callander Resolution Correspondence.pdf11.3Request for support - Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa, ref.: Redistributing a portion of the Land Transfer Tax collected on property transactions tomunicipalities 1.Resolution from the Municipality of Wawa - Redistribution of Land Transfer Tax (en anglais seulement).pdf12.By-laws 12.1N° 71-2024 to appoint Jennifer Séguin as Building Officer 1.71-2024 - to appoint Jennefer Séguin as Building Inspector.pdf12.2N° 72-2024 for a Zoning by-law amendment ( 157 John St.) 1.By-law N° 72-2024 .pdf12.3N° 73-2024 for a Zoning by-law amendment ( 189 John St.) 1.By-law N° 73-2024 (en anglais seulement).pdf12.4N° 74-2024 to adopt the 2025 Budget 1.74-2024 Budget 2025 fr.pdf2.74-2024 Budget 2025.pdf3.Schedule A - Operational Budget 2025.pdf4.Schedule B - BUDGET CAPITAL 2025.pdf5.Schedule C - Réserve et fonds réserve 2025.pdf12.5N° 75-2024 to authorize the temporary closure of sidewalks within the Town 1.N° 75-2024 - pour autoriser la fermeture temporaire des trottoirs au sein de la Ville de Hawkesbury .pdf2.N° 75-2024 - to authorize the temporary closure of sidewals within the Town of Hawkesbury .pdf13.Notice of motions 14.Motion for Closed meeting 15.Closed meeting 15.1Adoption of the minutes of in-camera meetings Public Comments: Adoption of minutes of in-camera meetings of November 12 and December 3, 2024 (sent separately)15.2Lease negotiation Public Comments: 16.Motion to resume Open meeting 17.Reports from Closed Session 18.Confirmation By-law 18.1N° 76-2024 to confirm the proceedings of Council 1.Règlement N° 76-2024.pdf2.By-law N° 76-2024.pdf19.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Lette Maison Interlude - Campagne du Ruban blanc (in French only).pdf1.Letter from Mr. Graham McGregor (en anglais seulement).pdf1.EOWC Letter - Addressing the Impact of Rising OPP Costs (en anglais seulement).pdf1.2024.11.18 Callander Resolution Correspondence.pdf1.Resolution from the Municipality of Wawa - Redistribution of Land Transfer Tax (en anglais seulement).pdf1.71-2024 - to appoint Jennefer Séguin as Building Inspector.pdf1.Procès-verbal - réunion extraordinaire du 7 novembre 2024.pdf2.Minutes - Special meeting of November 7, 2024.pdf3.Procès-verbal - réunion publique statutaire du 12 novembre 2024.pdf4.Minutes - Statutory Public Meeting of November 12, 2024.pdf5.Procès-verbal - réunion ordinaire du 12 novembre 2024.pdf6.Minutes - Regular meeting of November 12, 2024.pdf7.Procès-verbal - réunion extraordinaire du 3 décembre 2024.pdf8.Minutes - Special meeting - December 3, 2024.pdf9.Procès-verbal- Bibliothèque publique de Hawkesbury - 9 octobre 2024 (en français seulement).pdf1.Letter from the Solicitor General (en anglais seulement).pdf1.Demande de délégation - 9 décembre 2024.pdf2.Caroline Arcand LETTRE D'APPUI.pdf3.Lettre d'appui HIIA.pdf4.LETTRE SYLVIE-THIERRY.pdf5.Sol-air LETTRE D'APPUI SOL-AIR Consultants.pdf1.Recommandation - Modification au Règlement de zonage 157 et 189, rue John.pdf2.Recommendation - ZBLA 157 and 189 John Street.pdf3.3 - Planning Report - Zander Plan (28-AUG-2024).pdf4.Draft By-law N° 72-2024_157 John Street D14-147.pdf5.Draft By-law N° 73-2024_189 John Street D14-148.pdf1.Recommandation - COMZAC - Bancs sur la rue Main E.pdf2.Recommendaton - BIA - Main St E benches .pdf3.Cartes des bancs_Benches map - 14 options.pdf1.Recommandation - Fin du projet pilote FoodCycler.pdf2.Recommendation - End of FoodCycler pilot project.pdf3.FoodCycler Survey Results Presentation .pdf4.FoodCycler - projet pilote - Ville de Hawkesbury ON, septembre from MTO - Response (en anglais seulement).pdf1.Rapports mensuels - décembre.pdf2.Monthly Report - December.pdf1.Règlement N° 76-2024.pdf2.By-law N° 76-2024.pdf1.Corporation de la ville de Hawkesbury - 12312024 - Plan des services d'audit.pdf2.Corporation de la ville de Hawkesbury - 12312024 - Lettre de mission.pdf1.Letter from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Additional residential unit (ARU) .pdf1.74-2024 Budget 2025 fr.pdf2.74-2024 Budget 2025.pdf3.Schedule A - Operational Budget 2025.pdf4.Schedule B - BUDGET CAPITAL 2025.pdf5.Schedule C - Réserve et fonds réserve 2025.pdf1.Rapport .pdf2.Report.pdf1.Recommandation .pdf2.Recommendation.pdf1.By-law N° 73-2024 (en anglais seulement).pdf1.N° 75-2024 - pour autoriser la fermeture temporaire des trottoirs au sein de la Ville de Hawkesbury .pdf2.N° 75-2024 - to authorize the temporary closure of sidewals within the Town of Hawkesbury .pdf1.KSAR - ToH - Analyse de l'environnement et Diagnostic stratégique_9 déc 2024.pdf2.KSAR - ToH - Environmental Scan and Strategic Diagnosis_9 dec 2024.pdf1.Liste des chèques-SUMMARY-NOVEMBRE 2024.pdf2.Liste des chèques-DETAIL-NOVEMBRE 2024.pdf1.By-law N° 72-2024 .pdf